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Art Portfolio

This page is for my paintings and sketches and any other kind of art I explore. Unlike my photographs, I will elaborate on each piece, for example, explaining mistakes or explaining the inspiration or story behind why I created the piece. I am by no means a professional artist and the pieces that I share will be showcasing my journey as an artist. I will post pieces that I did in middles school all the way to pieces I have done recently. I will continue to post pieces as I finish them. I hope you enjoy it!


As a gift one year I got Prisma colored pencils, watercolor paper, and a sketchbook. I grabbed the watercolor paper and drew this. It could be better and it could be worse so it was a good start.

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Sunset Storm

Unfortunately, this website layout cut out the bottom half of the painting but it is the same as what is seen. This was the first sunset painting that I did. I like how the sky turned out but the ocean could be improved.

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Crying Blood

As creepy as this drawing is it is one of my favorites. There is something about the depth in which it can be interpreted that I like. I a hoping to create other pieces similar to this one in the future.

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This was an art project I did junior year of high school. It was early in the year when we were covering lines and shading. Looking at it now there are things I would change but otherwise it isn't bad at all

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Crying Eye

Ever since I started drawing I have loved drawing eyes. It is the thing I draw the most whether it is doodles in my chemistry notes or pieces like this. There is not much to tell on this piece it is a detailed doodle in my sketchbook.



This is one of the next sunset paintings that I did. I did the other sunset senior year of high school this one I did during the lockdown due to COVID. Origionally there was a third cloud but my mom thought it looked weird so I went over it.

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